Clean Beauty Saved My Skin

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I will be the first to admit, I fought clean skincare tooth and nail. Girl… I was so skeptical. SO MUCH SO. Why? Because they’re “clean”. I had already introduced clean living about 19 years prior with essential oils, making my own household cleaners and detergents, and even cloth diapering most of my children! So, why did I wait so long to jump into clean skincare that literally absorbs into our bloodstream in 19 seconds? 

Easy answer: Because I’ve always been serious about my skincare and basically was worried it wouldn’t work. Thought clean meant splashing essential oils in water on my skin and knew I wanted more active ingredients. I’m not proud of myself, okay? 😂 

Fast forward to 2020 and my skin was angry. I mean, weren’t we ALL angry in 2020? 😆 Hormonal and environmental toxins were wreaking havoc on my skin. I tried EVERYTHING. I threw money at the most expensive products I could find, Instagram ads, and even products other influencers were sharing. Anything I could get my hands on. My aesthetician finally ended up saying the trigger words I didn’t want to hear: DERMATOLOGIST. I was like, what?! My skin (up until then) had always been great! I was disheartened and resigned to making an appointment the next day. 

Later that evening, after I’d gotten home from my appointment, I was watching Instagram stories and a friend of mine was talking about Beautycounter. I had heard and seen it many times and had always just tapped on through. This time, I listened. It piqued my interest and I decided this would be my last resort before making a dermatologist appointment. I messaged her and told her my situation and asked her opinion on what to try. She told me ONE product, Countercontrol Clear Pore Cleanser, and I headed to checkout. 

A few weeks later, I was amazed by my skin. Not only was this cleanser working on my problem areas, but my skin was softer and looked healthier all around. I was shocked. So, I ordered the Countertime Regimen because it said 

the words I wanted to hear, “anti-aging” that I knew my my skin desperately needed…. I was VERY rest assured that they had a 60 day return policy. Well, I didn’t need it. I was hooked. 

A year later, my skin has never looked better. Ever. I can’t thank my friend or Beautycounter enough for the transformation my skin has had. I am smacking myself now for not trying this sooner. 

Have you tried any clean skincare and just fallen in love? What a difference, amirite? 

If you’re new to clean beauty, let’s chat about what your skin needs and start switching you over! 

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