Winter Mantel Styling Made Easy

Decorating For Winter Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive or Overwhelming

One option is to just leave up all of your Christmas greenery, snowflakes, lights or no lights, dried oranges, and candles. Just removed anything red or that screams “CHRISTMAS!” 

Another option is do a hybrid of leaving some of that out, but reducing drastically, and adding in natural elements. For winter decor, think “texture”, making sure you add in shades of white, beige, even green if it goes with your decor. 

Here’s what I did with my fireplace…

Winter Hyrbid Decor

I removed 1/2 of the Christmas greenery, leaving the thinner kind. I kept the faux candles and vintage mirrors for ambience, and added the bells, that I use all year round, to one side. I incorporated pinecones (some fake from the Target dollar spot years ago, and I filled in the rest from my yard. 

I used the thinner pillar candles here, but chunky pillars are great, too. My newest favorites are these tapers that look so real, it’s freaky. Candles are a great investment, because I odn’t know about you, but I use them all year round!

Under the bells, I added a vintage basket with cozy chunky blankets in oatmeal, white, and cream. 

On the other side, I added a vintage stool, and 2 faux trees that I’ve been loving for years. I placed one in a vintage brass bucket I bought on a thrifting adventure. And the other is snuggled in a fun basket.

I chose not to keep the lights around this year, and just create a calm, cozy winterscape. I kept it simple, used what I had, and had my kids go grab some pinecones that I just let dry out and open over a few days, and popped them up there.

Repurpose What You Love- Don’t Keep Changing Things

Decor doesn’t have to be changed every season or holiday, and many pieces are transitional and can be repurposed year after year, or just to different spaces. If anything, I hope you choose pieces you LOVE and use them over and over because YOU love them.

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